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How to Easily Create Your Own Quizzes

How to make personality quiz

Did you know that you can increase your leads by up to 500 percent by using “fantastic” quizzes? More and more companies and content marketers are using quizzes especially personality quizzes to engage with their audiences. But most importantly, it is the growth factor that is driving companies to implement quizzes in their marketing strategies.

Why Use Quizzes?

Quizzes help companies to grow their businesses by acquiring and retaining customers. Marketers can use quizzes to generate awareness about their products and services as well as promote engagement around specific content.

Over the years personality quizzes have become the most engaged type of content on the internet. According to reports, over 75% of the quizzes created by agencies, marketers, brands, publishers, and bloggers are personality quizzes. In addition, more than 80% of visitors are likely to engage with a personality quiz when it appears on their social media feeds.

In this article, we’ll discuss the basics of personality quizzes and how anyone can create their own personality quizzes with the Opinion Stage personality quiz maker.

What is a Personality Quiz?

Before we dive into all the bells and whistles of making a personality quiz, let’s shed some light on the basics of personality quizzes.

In general, a personality quiz is similar to any other quizzes comprising of a few questions with multiple choice answers. However, unlike knowledge-based quizzes, there are no right or wrong answers in personality quizzes. Instead, the result of personality quizzes helps reveal the users’ personality, traits or preferences.

Personality quizzes come in various forms and can be customized to suit different scenarios. However, marketers tend to focus more on the fun element of personality quizzes. Depending on the requirements of the marketing strategy, personality tests or quizzes may have different styles, sensibilities, and results.  One example of a fun personality quiz is “What kind of a traveler are you?” and depending on the answers you get from the person taking the quiz, you may suggest some ideal holiday destinations.

Read: Make Money While You Sleep: Here’s Your Guide To Build A Viral Quiz Website

The Basics of Creating a Personality Quiz

All personality quizzes are based on personalities, interests, and preferences. Think of personality quizzes as something like diagnostic tests, where you’re trying to give your reader a solution or an answer to his or her problem.

Creating a well-thought personality quiz isn’t difficult if you the following step-by-step process.

  1. Know your audience: This will help you to come up with an appropriate subject and title for the quiz.
  2. Formulate a design: This step includes the layout and template you’ll use to create the quiz.
  3. Devise outcomes: When you envision the outcomes for your personality quizzes, it becomes easy for you to formulate questions.
  4. Create questions: Always keep the questions entertaining and fun. The questions should also be able to categorize your audiences into different groups.
  5. Evaluate every answer: Each answer should complement one or more results.
  6. Launch and Promote: You quiz won’t gain traction from visitors unless you promote it on your website social media, and ad platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn).


How to Make a Personality Quiz Using Opinion Stage

  1. Go to the Opinion Stage website. (
  2. Start by going to the “Create New” button drop-down, and selecting the “Personality Quiz” option.
  3. Add a title, and a description. Also, include a cover image.
  4. Set the results. You can choose from adding calls-to-action (CTAs) and redirecting your readers to landing pages based on their quiz results.
  5. Decide whether you want to collect leads.
  6. Now add questions and their answers. It’s preferred if you include images to all of your questions.
  7. Save the draft and preview the quiz before publishing.
  8. If you think everything is fine with your quiz, click the “Publish,” button.

Your personality quiz is good to go.

Personality Quiz Best Practices Checklist

Number of Questions

A personality quiz should have a maximum of 10 and a minimum of 5 questions. Asking too many questions is likely to bore your readers and make them give up quiz midway and abandon the quiz.

Use Good, High-Quality Images

Images grab people’s attention. It’s been found that most people tend to read articles, blogs or quizzes that have attractive images. Use pictures in your personality quiz that capture people’s eyes, imagination, and their attention. Furthermore, ensure that the images relate to the questions and the message you want to convey in the quiz.  Choose good images, particularly for the quiz’s cover photo.

Image Size

We already mentioned that quizzes look great with images, and it will look even better if all of them are displayed in the same size. We recommend you maintain the aspect ratio of 16:9 or 2:1 in all the images you use in the quiz. In addition to looking aesthetic, images with these aspect ratios also fare well in previews on social media sites.

Determine The Results First

It’s a good idea come up with possible answers for the quizzes first as this will be helpful in deciding what questions to ask or which questions will be associated with those questions.

Keep The Outcome Positive

Personality quizzes are designed to make readers feel good about themselves, regardless of the results they get at the end of the quiz. So, keep the final outcome of the quiz positive. People usually don’t like something that makes them look or feel bad. And if you want to increase traffic to your website, you should put content that will be shared by your readers.

If you think coming up with a positive or encouraging outcome is difficult or impossible for a particular quiz, then at least consider adding a warm or fun feeling to it.  By making the outcomes of your personality quiz full of positivity, you’ll increase your chances of people sharing their results with others.

Make Your Audience A Priority

Creating great personality quizzes is difficult if you don’t have a clear concept of who your audience is and where their interests and needs lie. Therefore, ensure the quiz content is refreshing and appealing to your audience.

Start Strong

Make the first question of your quiz bold, relatable, and appealing. If your audience gets turned off by the first question, it is very likely they won’t bother to see the rest of the quiz. There is no problem to make the first question focused on a niche group, just make sure to get the ball rolling with something that everyone will answer and entice them to go through the entire quiz. Another useful tip: keep the questions a little lengthy, but the answers should be short.

Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

One of the important aspects of personality quizzes from a marketing perspective is to meticulously lure people to visit different websites or perform a specific action. This is where calls-to-action (CTAs) come into the picture.

CTAs are crucial for any quizzes, including personality quizzes. In fact, they’re the reasons quizzes exist. Using CTAs in quizzes ensures that the visitors share the content through social share buttons. So, include sharing buttons of social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) so participants can share their results.

You can also use buttons to redirect participants to any specific page of your website.  You may use the optional sign-in form to collect information (names and email addresses) from users or sign-up for your eBooks, newsletters or promotional campaigns or offers. All of these actions will help you to generate more leads.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know what it takes to create a good personality quiz, you should be prepped to make one now. Just make sure that the quiz captivates the minds of your target audience that will make to share the quiz on their favorite social media networks. How to make quizzes.

Author Biography

Charles C. Johnson is a well-rounded blogger who has a wide variety of interests and specializes in doing in-depth research for digital marketing. He notorious Write, Editor, Blogger. Love to blogging. (

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