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How To Get Free WiFi? | Proven Ways to Get Free Internet Around You

How To Get Free WiFi Proven Ways to Get Free Internet Around You

How To Get Free WiFi Proven Ways to Get Free Internet Around You

Is there any way to get free WiFi? The answer is yes. We are going to reveal some of the most useful tricks that can be helpful and using these methods of How To Get Free Internet WiFi will enable you for the same.

The Internet is breathing nowadays, living without the Internet is really difficult, because everything happening with the internet, Studying, Shopping, Gaming, Teaching, Banking, and the list doesn’t stop here.

Sometimes we run out of the data pack, or as the Internet is a luxury thing so the pricing of it may hurt most people. And the point is when you can get free WiFi then why do you need to spend money on the Internet? Funny but true.

Anyways sometimes we need to find Free WiFi, because of several reasons, right? No worries we are here to provide you proper ways and a step-by-step guide for How Do I Get Free WiFi?

How Do I Get Free WiFi?

Well in this article we are going to disclose multiple ways to get free wifi. You can choose any of them, in our case all are working, but in your case, if any of them doesn’t work then you can skip and move to the next one. So let’s get started.

1. FreedomPop

FreedomPop is a Based in Los Angeles, FreedomPop company known for providing free (Limited) internet to users, in fact, thousands of people are taking benefits of their service.

The company offers you different types of plans for access to the internet but the lowest price plans start at $0.00 a month. I’m not kidding with you, this is true. Now you may think, how does it work?

Well, when you register yourself with them, they send a few pieces of equipment at your doorsteps and for that, they charge you a nominal price.

The equipment is capable of providing you free internet at your home or office, but if you want their service on the way, then either you buy the phone from them, or you can use their sim to your existing device. At this time they are offering you 2 GB of data for the users.

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2. WifiMap App

The next best way to get free WiFi is WiFiMap App. This is becoming so popular because of providing free WiFi service. You can get the app on both iOS and Android devices.

WiFiMap works on the crowdsourcing approach and means people upload the WiFi location on the map and the user who is looking for free wifi, can scan and connect the free WiFi. The availability is more than you think.

There are high chances you will have a free WiFi hotspot on every popular location because it has a wide range of customer databases. And this app has been downloaded by more than 10 million users.

3. NetZero

As you can understand this platform by its name, NetZero does cost you ZERO for the Internet. The platform offers you 10 hours of free data in a month. Well, getting the 10 hours of free data is not a loss scenario.

If you are required to get more than that, then you can upgrade your plan, which will increase your hour’s limits for accessing the Internet.

The only drawback about Net Zero is, this is a dialup based service, so taking the benefits of this, you have to take a landline connection at your home or office, but that should be fine.

This will not hurt you as much as the Internet bills will. So, if your internet bill is burning your pocket then you can consider NetZero as a substitute.

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4. Wifi hotspots

WiFi Hotspots gates are always open for you. Whenever you visit some places like Schools, Cinema Hall, Malls, Clinic Chamber, Universities, Restaurants, Hospitals, Airports, Gyms, and such eventful places.

There are higher chances you get free Internet access to popular places. It may happen that the places don’t advertise for this so it is always a better option to ask for.

Once they share the Password with you, open the hotspot and tap to connect. So next time whenever you visit such places, the eyes open for WiFi Hotspots.

5. Free WiFi Near Me: Use Your Cell Phone as a Hotspot

If you are a frequent Internet user on the mobile and if your phone has the HotSpot feature enabled then you can give it a try.

It was found in a survey that most internet users don’t finish the daily limit of the Internet. Instead of that, they use 50% of the daily use limit, so why not try to share the wastage Internet with the help of Mobile HotSpot?

Well, the process is pretty simple, first of all, go to the settings and find Hotspot in the WiFi section. By default, it will be the turn-off, tap on it to turn it on. You can long-press on it to set a memorable name & password for the WiFi.

Once the setup is completed, go to the devices you want to share with and search for available WiFi. As you can see the available wifi list on the screen, select the desired WiFi and type the password you set on the phone then hit the connect button. It will connect two devices Concurrently.

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In this post, we shared with you the top 5 best ways to get free WiFi. As we know the Internet is an expensive thing to get, therefore we introduced you to the top ways for getting free WiFi.

You can try any of the mentioned methods. For a few of them, you will be required permission and others are completely in your hand. We hope this article was helpful for you and provided you a complete guide about Free WiFi.

If you still have any questions or suggestions regarding this you can leave us a comment below.

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